Our Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30am One Worship Service
(Communion on First Sunday)
What happens when we worship?
In worship we acknowledge God’s presence in the world and in our lives…we respond to God’s love in Jesus Christ … and we are equipped for God’s service in the world.
Here’s a brief description of our service…
9:30am Worship is an intergenerational celebration.
On the first Sunday of the month we celebrate Communion, and children and youth remain with their families in worship for the whole service. On the other Sundays of Fall, Winter and Spring, we begin in worship together with all ages, and young people go to their Kids’ Communities after the Children’s Message. This service includes a variety of music and art, including choir and instruments.
Before and after the service, there is coffee bagel fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall. It’s a great time to hang out, meet friends old and new, share in life together.